Monthly Archives: February 2012

SQL Server: Bulk updates, bulk inserts and table valued parameters for arrays

When writing bulk updates or inserts into Oracle with ODP.NET you can use PLSQLAssociativeArray (example here) and you may search around for an equivalent array type in SQL Server but there isn’t one. Firstly this is disappointing, then you kind of get used to the idea, hopefully this post will help you on onto this path.
First off I thought it was wrong not to have an array type, “Oracle does, this is stupid” I thought. After a cup of tea, I put a couple of seconds thought into this and the best I could come up with is all the data we use in SQL is tabular data anyway and you could represent a PLSQLAssociativeArray as a table with one column right? So is it any loss? No, of course not, but the programmer in me is used to dealing with arrays.
However there is a drawback that I haven’t completely got over yet, and that is that you must define the type name of the SqlParameter, this must be a valid type, so randomly creating some SQL and firing it at the database isn’t an option. But I have other options in my mind, here’s some examples of bulk operations utilizing table valued parameters:

Create a table to manipulate:



CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Greetings](
	[PrimaryId] [int] NOT NULL,
	[FirstValue] [nchar](10) NULL,
	[SecondValue] [nchar](10) NULL


Create a loosely typed DataTable and populate it with some data to insert into the table:

DataTable dt = new DataTable("Tim");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("FirstCol", typeof(int)));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("SecondCol", typeof(String)));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ThirdCol", typeof(String)));

DataRow r1 = dt.NewRow();
r1["FirstCol"] = 1;
r1["SecondCol"] = "Hello";
r1["ThirdCol"] = "Hi";

DataRow r2 = dt.NewRow();
r2["FirstCol"] = 2;
r2["SecondCol"] = "Goodbye";
r2["ThirdCol"] = "Bye";

(brings back memories of .NET 1.1 doesn’t it)

Next up create a table valued type in SQL Server, of course you could keep well defined types in your database, but for this example I just want something “temporary”. Also this could be a generated string from the DataTable, look around someone might already be doing this, else it’s easy enough to roll your own

using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandText =
        "BEGIN TRY"
        + " CREATE TYPE dbo.T1"
        + " AS TABLE ( [FirstCol] [int] NOT NULL, [SecondCol] [nchar](10) NULL, [ThirdCol] [nchar](10) NULL )"
        + " END TRY"
        + " BEGIN CATCH"
        + " END CATCH";

So by this point in execution your app would have a type defined called dbo.T1, you could of course use a temporary generated name for this too. Note the TRY CATCH in there; ignoring errors.

Next do a bulk insert: (Note: SqlBulkCopy may be quicker, I’ve not checked)

using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("@MyInputDT", SqlDbType.Structured);
    p.Value = dt;
    p.TypeName = "dbo.T1";
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandText =
        "INSERT INTO dbo.Greetings (PrimaryId, SecondValue)"
        + " SELECT FirstCol, ThirdCol"
        + " FROM @MyInputDT";

This to me is better than passing two arrays, a size parameter and looping though and inserting each. But we’ve got SqlBulkCopy, so you may not want to use this approach.

By this point in execution there would be two new entries in the dbo.Greetings table but I’ve deliberately missed out the FirstValue, so that will be NULL.

Let’s do a bulk update to fix it, also remove the “temporary” table valued type:

using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
    SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("@MyUpdDT", SqlDbType.Structured);
    p.Value = dt;
    p.TypeName = "dbo.T1";
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.CommandText =
        "UPDATE Greetings"
        + " SET FirstValue = SecondCol"
        + " FROM @MyUpdDT"
        + " WHERE PrimaryId = FirstCol"
        + " BEGIN TRY"
        + " DROP TYPE dbo.T1"
        + " END TRY"
        + " BEGIN CATCH"
        + " END CATCH";

So there’s a bulk insert and bulk update, I think this is pretty neat, but the requirement on having a well defined type is a gripe, now I’m over the lack of array type I want a var type now, shame.

See also Table-Valued Parameters in SQL Server 2008 (ADO.NET)

Better late than never; summer tyres fitted

Schwalbe Marathon GreenGuard fitted (26″ x 1.5″):

They are considerably lighter than the Marathon Plus tyres and cheaper too.
My bike feels lighter, more responsive and I’ll let you know if I get a huge increase in punctures now I’m not running Marathon Pluses.

Reflective vs cat eyes #cycling #cats

My pesky cat got on top of the wardrobe and sat in the middle of the tyre that is on top of the wheel box, before getting her down I took a photo:

Next to her you can see the reflective patch on my Ortlieb Office Pannier bag. I think the reflective patch is brighter.

Biannual mileage total update – #cycling #green #money

I’ve updated my spreadsheet and my biannual cycling mileage totals are:
2008 (H2) = 1600 miles
2009 (H1) = 1100 miles
2009 (H2) = 1400 miles
2010 (H1) = 1500 miles
2010 (H2) = 3500 miles
2011 (H1) = 3700 miles
2011 (H2) = 3600 miles

So I’m doing around 7000 miles per year on my bicycle rather than in a car, saving me a fortune!

See last post about this here

Light snow, to ride or not? #cycling #snow #winter

This morning I looked out onto the back garden and couldn’t even see the mess that I call my lawn, or the path to my “bike” shed

So I went out with a view of assessing whether it was suitable for commuting to work, it didn’t look good to start with

A closer look it wasn’t that deep

The garden dwellers weren’t happy either

Anyway, I decided I’d go for it and I wasn’t on my own either

My road was pretty virgin snow as nobody uses it, I failed to take a photo, I was having too much fun.

Busier side roads were more passable

The main roads were clear more or less and I arrived safely and happy I’d braved it and not resorted to using the car

(shame about that one, the lens must have misted up on my phone)

I’m looking forward to the Friday night ride home now, ride safe, have fun.

Abrasion puncture from damaged tyre #cycling

I’ve had three punctures in short succession from abrasions with the tyre where the surface is damaged (cut, sliced, worn, not sure sure which).
So I was going through these:

Like this:

(I’m proud I did a nice job of that one)
The Park Tool VP-1 Patch Kit does a pretty good job, no chalk or crayon though, so the child in me was disappointed.

I ordered some new tyres and whilst I was waiting for them I stuck patches (pre glued kind) on the abrasions to last me a couple of hundred miles:

I was impressed by the Super Patch kit by Park Tool, very sticky, so care required to not stick it to itself. They really protected the inner tube until my new tyre arrived.
I’m a vulcanising solution man for permanent repairs as the puncture repair at the top shows, but these pre glued ones seemed better fitted to this task (and quicker).

SQL Server: Updating XML fields – XPath, XQuery

Further to my post SQL Server: Querying XML fields – XPath, XQuery, I’d like to expand on this and cover updating XML fields too.

Unfortunately it appears you can only do one update at at a time, so often looping is required, extracting data into temporary tables or complex XPath.
I’m going to cover the later as it’s one that isn’t so well written about.

The great thing about SQL Server is you can use the XPath String Functions, for example I’ve used the concatenation and substring functions before and here is a simple example to show how they can be used. Of note is also the neat way to include SQL variables into the XPath.

-- Create a temporary table for the example, drop if already exists


(Val XML)

-- Stick in some XML data

INSERT INTO #T1 (Val) VALUES ('<root xmlns="http://tim.xsd">
    <leaf name="displayname" type="String">cycling</leaf>
    <leaf name="alternativename" type="String">is sometimes fun</leaf>
INSERT INTO #T1 (Val) VALUES ('<root xmlns="http://tim.xsd">
    <leaf name="displayname" type="String">running</leaf>
    <leaf name="alternativename" type="String">is sometimes fun</leaf>

-- Update the cycling row using a SQL variable and some functions (concat and substring)

SELECT @timvar = ' is always '

UPDATE #T1 SET Val.modify('declare namespace TIM="http://tim.xsd";
  replace value of (/TIM:root/TIM:branch/TIM:leaf[@name="alternativename"]/text())[1]
  with fn:concat(
    "Everybody knows that ",
    fn:substring((/TIM:root/TIM:branch/TIM:leaf[@name="alternativename"]/text())[1], 14, 3))
WHERE Val.query('declare namespace TIM="http://tim.xsd";(/TIM:root/TIM:branch[1]/TIM:leaf[@name="displayname"]/text())[1]')
.value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') = 'cycling'

-- Check the result


And the result is:

<root xmlns="http://tim.xsd">
    <leaf name="displayname" type="String">cycling</leaf>
    <leaf name="alternativename" type="String">Everybody knows that cycling is always fun</leaf>

<root xmlns="http://tim.xsd">
    <leaf name="displayname" type="String">running</leaf>
    <leaf name="alternativename" type="String">is sometimes fun</leaf>

So you want a Media Server? Here’s how to… #music #video #images #linux #mediatomb #samba

Want to share photos, music and videos and not have to sync it to the sky or pay for the privilege?
Then read on…

I have two laptops, a tablet and a capable mobile phone in the house now, so the PC (Windows XP Pro) is sitting idle, “why not turn it into a media server?” I thought, but I didn’t want to shell out for any special software or a newer version of Windows.

It turns out all you need is Ubuntu (or Debian) Linux and nothing else!
It is also free and the recent versions contain MediaTomb; the key piece of software that’s needed.

Get the software

For proof of concept purposes I installed this within Oracle VM VirtualBox (which is free) so I could fiddle without actually destroying my Windows PC installation (yet). So I first downloaded this from and installed it.
(version 4.1.8 in my case)

Next I downloaded Ubuntu (which is free) from
(version 11.10 32bit in my case, get the 64bit version if you have more than 3.7GB of RAM)

If you want to install on the PC directly then you will need to burn the Ubuntu .ISO image file to a CD or DVD. For an install into VirtualBox I skipped this step.

Install Ubuntu

For PC install you boot from the CD/DVD you’ve burnt; install as you would any operating system.

For VirtualBox, create the VM ready for Ubuntu:

Then start it and select the .ISO image file:

Then follow the installation instructions (for either PC or VirtualBox).

Notes on installation

The only thing I would like to draw attention to is the MP3 plugin, I’d install that:

Configuration and service installation

OK, so MediaTomb isn’t installed as such, so you need to install it, fortunately this is easy.
Select the Ubuntu Software Centre:

Then search for MediaTomb by typing into the search box, it will dynamically search for it, select it like so, then click install:

Once installed you will need to make a couple of configuration changes. Open the Dash:

Then search for terminal:

Click on Terminal to open it.
Then to open the config file in a text editor, type

sudo gedit /etc/mediatomb/config.xml

Now enable the user interface, change the setting for <ui enabled=”no“…> to <ui enabled=”yes“…>.
Next change <virtual-layout type=”builtin“> to <virtual-layout type=”disabled“> otherwise you will get 5 of everything, this is something you can lookup if you want to.
If you want to stream to a PS3 then you will want to enable transcoding, I don’t have one, but the option to change is <transcoding enabled=”no“> to <transcoding enabled=”yes“>.

Save and close.

You can now either restart Ubuntu or restart the service from the command prompt:

sudo /etc/init.d/mediatomb restart

Configure content locations

First off you need somewhere to store the content, so create some new folders and give them appropriate security permissions, to do this open terminal again and type the following:

sudo mkdir /mymediaserver
sudo mkdir /mymediaserver/music
sudo mkdir /mymediaserver/video
sudo mkdir /mymediaserver/images
sudo chmod -R 775 /mymediaserver

The Linux gurus will want to get their filesystems in order, but the rest of us will have one filesystem and this will be fine.

Now register these locations in MediaTomb, search for MediaTomb from the Dash:

Open MediaTomb, it will open in FireFox most probably:

Click Filesystem then expand mymediaserver in the tree:

Now select each subfolder in turn then click the “add as autoscan dir” icon
You will want to choose appropriate settings, but I expect you will want to recursively scan the folder for changes every 30 minutes, like so:

Don’t forget to click Set each time.

Now disable the user interface again.
Open the config file in a text editor again via

sudo gedit /etc/mediatomb/config.xml

Change the setting for <ui enabled=”yes“…> to <ui enabled=”no“…>.

Save and close.

Samba (optional?)

We need some way to get new files into MediaTomb, a Windows File Share is perfect for seamless drag and drop of content, so I’ll go with that. Samba is the service to install, but there are a fair few steps, so keep with me, back in Ubuntu Software Centre search for samba and install the SMB server:

Once installed we add the users, search the Dash for User Accounts:

Open User Accounts:

Click the Unlock button before you start otherwise you won’t be able to make changes.
Click the + (Create a user) button, make it a standard user:

Then click Create. Unfortunately there’s more to do, we next need to enable the user, click on Account disabled:

Select Set a password now (if not already selected).
Enter a password and click Change.
Note: Unfortunately Microsoft have made some changes introduced in Windows 7 Home editions that make using a user name and password beyond the average user (i.e. there is no UI to change this setting), but if the user name and password you use for Windows are configured in Samba then you will be fine, so I will go for this approach for now.
Do this for every user you want, if two PCs have the same logon details then duplication is not required.
Linux is strict on security, so we need these users to be in the same group. To do this open Terminal again and type the following for each user:

sudo usermod -G sambashare <user>

Now to setup the security that Samba needs on the file locations via this sambashare group, type the following:

sudo chown -R :sambashare /mymediaserver

Now to configure Samba, open the config file via:

sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Add the lines to the end of the file:

	path = /mymediaserver/music
	writeable = yes
	browseable = yes
	guest ok = no
	read only = no
	valid users = @sambashare
	force create mode = 0661
	force directory mode = 0775
	force group = sambashare

(repeat that for the other folders as required)

Save and close.

The final piece for Samba is to register the user with Samba via smbpasswd:

sudo smbpasswd -a <user>

Nearly there, just a quick note for VirtualBox, there is a network setting change required.
You will need “Bridged Adapter” and a Promiscuous Mode of “Allow All”:

Restart and verify

You can now either restart Ubuntu or restart the services from the command prompt:

sudo /etc/init.d/mediatomb restart
sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart

You should be able to see the UPnP work its magic from a Windows machine under the Network part of Windows Explorer:

The MYMEDIASERVER (or indeed whatever you called your machine) – that is Samba working (assuming you configured it)
The MediaTomb – that is MediaTomb working

Add Media (requires Samba)

Open MYMEDIASERVER (or whatever you called it)
And drag and drop the files you want into music, video or images as required.
Note: Depending on settings chosen above it may take some time for the new content to be available through MediaTomb.

Stream it

Open MediaTomb from Windows Explorer / Windows Media player and enjoy

Security notes

The assumptions I’ve made are that you are behind a firewall in a nicely secure private LAN.
All the security settings above are my choice, you should review your security and choose your own options, if you are at all concerned then you need to seek professional help (or an IT professional). Remember to regularly backup your files and verify the backups too.

Join The Times and their cycle safety campaign #cyclesafety #cycling

The Times Cities fit for cycling